BrewPi feature and review on AHA Pimp My System and in Linux Voice
Dual conical glass door fridges controlled by BrewPi
BrewPi got featured today in the American Homebrewers Association’s ‘Pimp my System’, where Chris Allen showed off his mouthwatering dual conical setup with glass door fridges. Thanks a lot Alan for your glowing review. I hope I will one day have a setup as awesome as yours.
You can read the full article over here. One more photo on Facebook.

Linux Voice Issue 1, featuring BrewPi 🙂
BrewPi featured in Linux Voice
Earlier this month, BrewPi got featured in the very first issue of Linux Voice. <–Full text PDF available for free!
Linux Voice is a brand new crowd funded Linux magazine, which gives back 50% of it’s profits to Free Software and Linux Communities. They have documented their experience from receiving the kit to brewing the first beer. Definitely worth a read.
BrewPi on FaceBook
I have created a Facebook page for BrewPi. You are very welcome to share your photos, brewing results, recipes, stories, etc. Don’t forget to click the Like button 🙂